LMU presents CHANGER at NFDI ELSA meeting

Our partner, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU), represented by Hella von Unger, recently participated in an online meeting of the Ethics, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) section of the National German Data Infrastructure (NFDI) on 24 July 2024, where she gave a brief presentation of the CHANGER project.

During her presentation, Hella von Unger highlighted CHANGER objectives and work packages as well as expected outcomes.

The presentation is available here.

About ELSA: The section-ELSA stands for ethical, legal and social aspects that touch on NFDI’s fields of activity. Many of these issues affect several, if not all, NFDI consortia. Data protection and intellectual property rights issues are intruding into the research data cycle. Ethical questions of data use arise with regard to data provenance from indigenous and other societies. And what should social participation in research data look like? ELSA networks the consortia and expert communities to share experiences and develop joint approaches to solutions. ELSA discusses and comments on current legislative proposals that are becoming important for the research data infrastructure. The section sees itself as a forum for consortia and NFDI members from all disciplines.

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