CHANGER presented at the “College Year in Athens” educational institution
On 17 October 2024, the CHANGER project was presented to college students during a lecture on Ethical Considerations and Trustworthiness in AI applications organised by the College Year in Athens (CYA) educational institution in Athens, Greece.

The INSANE group of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR Demokritos runs the course AI Innovations bridging theory and practice in Applied Sciences at CYA as part of its semester curriculum. In this frame, a dedicated lecture was organised by Dr. Xenia Ziouvelou, Konstantina Giouvanopoulou and Alexis Kaponis of the AI Politeia Lab team of NCSR Demokritos to present the CHANGER EU-funded project, emphasising the innovative methodologies and tools that the project will develop to support researchers and Research Ethics Committees (RECs) members in AI research.